French SEA Adwords Agency

French Adwords PPC Campaign Management

Référencement payant Google AdWords
Our team of SEA experts is managed by Jérôme Souriau

Jérôme Souriau has successfully passed the exams for all certifications which prove that he has a complete and reliable knowledge of AdWords and Bing Ads. His 7 certifications are your guarantee of his extensive experience and skill in the domain. In 2015 he received the first prize in the Google Large Advertisers competition.

It is important to note the significance of the Quality Score in the construction of your strategy; Google measures the pertinence of your key-words and adverts, amongst other elements, it then attributes them with a quality score. High quality scores will lead to a reduction of costs as well as better placement for your adverts. This quality bonus rewards optimised campaigns and will have an influence on auction amounts. Our job is therefore to optimise your campaigns with the aim of improving the ROI such that your investment becomes truly efficient. In this way our clients will be able to notice clear savings of up to 60% of their initial budget.


All of our actions have a single priority objective: the Google Quality Score

  • Deployment of an appropriate and fully segmented account structure
  • Detailed configuration of all targeting options
  • Selection of primary, long tail and negative keywords
  • Implementation of the various key-word correspondences
  • The texts for your adverts will be written by a marketing expert
  • Implementation of Display campaigns
  • Implementation of remarketing campaigns
  • Implementation of dynamic campaigns
  • Implementation of Google Shopping campaigns
  • Implementation of call extension
  • Implementation of location extension
  • Implementation of tagline extensions
  • Implementation of site extract extensions
  • Implementation of the real-time conversion and ROI monitoring
  • Link up of your Google AdWords and Google Analytics accounts

Then optimization of your CPC, CTR, QS by arbitration depending on over and under
performance.These arbitrations will be made on the basis of all of the campaign elements: including keywords, ads, ads extensions, geographical zones, devices, calendar.

Training in the analysis of your statistics by a certified Google Analytics expert
Hotline available 7 days a week
Fees are based on a fixed sum

  • Campaign management: from 200 € / month



All of our actions have a single priority objective: the Google Quality Score

  • Deployment of an appropriate and fully segmented account structure
  • Detailed configuration of all targeting options
  • Selection of primary, long tail and negative keywords
  • Implementation of the various key-word correspondences
  • The texts for your adverts will be written by a marketing expert
  • Implementation of Display campaigns
  • Implementation of remarketing campaigns
  • Implementation of dynamic campaigns
  • Implementation of Google Shopping campaigns
  • Implementation of call extension
  • Implementation of location extension
  • Implementation of tagline extensions
  • Implementation of site extract extensions
  • Implementation of the real-time conversion and ROI monitoring
  • Link up of your Google AdWords and Google Analytics accounts

Then optimization of your CPC, CTR, QS by arbitration depending on over and under
performance.These arbitrations will be made on the basis of all of the campaign elements: including keywords, ads, ads extensions, geographical zones, devices, calendar.

Training in the analysis of your statistics by a certified Google Analytics expert
Hotline available 7 days a week
Fees are based on a fixed sum

  • Campaign management: from 200 € / month